September is usually not my favorite month. The kids went back to school and preschool and only Benj is home with us. My mornings will be quite quiet, although so far there was always something I needed to do or somewhere I needed to go. I thoroughly enjoyed the summer and the opportunity to be with all the kids. I …
Loving the Summer
Dear Friends, This summer was one of the best summers for sure. We were able to spend a significant amount of quality time together as a family. Our girls went to 1-1 week of camp at WOL, I was a unit leader during one of the weeks and Amy was translating for several weeks. Our American church sent a team …
We Are Back
Hi Friends, For the past 6 months we were on sabbatical. It was a very blessed and wonderful time. I knew it won’t be particularly restful (having 5 children, three of which are under 5 is not the definition of restful :D), but I knew it could be very fruitful and it was even better than I expected. I am …
Our Hearts Are Full
Dear Friends, 2022 is ending, and we have much to be thankful for! Our sweet bundle of joy, Benjamin, was kind enough to wait until after graduation to be born. I was sure I won’t make it until the end of the school year, but God had other plans. 🙂 This way I could properly finish up my responsibilities as …
Dear Friends, November is a special month for two reasons. One, it is when our sweet Joshua was born, and two, it’s when my favorite holiday is. 🙂 Joshua will turn 5 at the end of the month. He is a sweet, stubborn, goofy boy, who loves to make us laugh. He is very good at puzzles and loves to …
Always learning
Dear Friends, Amy and Haley enjoy school and are grateful for their friends there. Both Amy and Haley’s class changed due to different things, but so far they are both happy to be in their classes. I am so glad they enjoy going to school! Joshua and JJ are in the same preschool group and they just spend the whole …
Where Are My Kids?
Dear Friends, September is always a month of change. New school year for our kids and for the BI as well. In the beginning of September Amy started 6th grade, Haley started 3rd grade, Joshua and JJ went to preschool (in Hungary preschool is required from age 3). It’s Joshua’s second year there and JJ’s first. As I was coming …
Surprise Guest
Dear Friends, We had a wonderful month! End of July the kids spent two weekends at my parents place, which gave Chris and I some time to rest and the kids got to spend time with the grandparents. Win-win. 😀 Also end of July, Chris’ mom came to visit! We are so happy she made it here and are able …
Camp Season
Dear Friends, A few days after the girls’ school ended they both went to a camp with their school to Lake Balaton. They really enjoyed it and came back with many memories and new friends. Haley went to our first week of WOL camps a day after she got home from the other camp, so she did two weeks of …
Summer Break!
Dear Friends, It’s summer break! Yay! My favorite time of year for two reasons. One, I get to be with the kids for three months. I love it when they are home, and I am so excited to spend some quality time with them. During the school year they are either at school or doing homework at home, but we …
Introducing Benjamin Elliot James
We are excited to announce the birth of our youngest son, Benjamin. Full name: Benjamin Elliot JamesDate of birth: June 12, 2022Weight: 6.9 lbsLength: 21.3″Hair color: brownEye color: dark blue Thank you so much for all the prayers!
It’s Worth It
This year was very challenging to me. Being part of the Academic Office as Academic Assistant is a big responsibility and even though I wasn’t working full-time, working in the mornings with a two year old had it’s hardships. 🙂 I am very glad I was able to help in this area and especially that I was able to get …
He Is Risen!
Dear Friends, “Now on the first day of the week, at early dawn, the women went to the tomb, taking the aromatic spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men …
Our Joy Comes from Him
Dear Friends, This past month a lot has happened in the world. We had a lot of talks with the kids about war and what it means. There are many things we don’t understand and are unsure about. We don’t know what will happen in the next few months. But again and again, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness, goodness, …
Enjoying the Weather
Dear friends, Amy turned 11 early February, 2 more years, and we are going to have a teenager. 🙂 She had her youth group over for her birthday and it was so wonderful to see them enjoy some time together. We are thankful for these friendships. Haley has more and more friends in her class and she continues to be …
Family Time
Dear Friends, We had a very good winter break. The kids got some games from my siblings and we played lots of games with them. I love playing board and card games with the kids. We also got some puzzles (also a family favorite). Even JJ can do puzzles up to 60 pieces. We didn’t go anywhere, it was very …
Have a Blessed Christmas!
Dear friends, Every year seems to pass so fast, and this year is no exception. Nonetheless, a lot has happened this year and we are grateful for the many blessings, people we met this year, and for our family. It’s so wonderful to slow down this time of year and remember the birth of Jesus. It’s unfathomable how God became …
Being Thankful
Dear Friends, As we are looking forward to Thanksgiving, so many things comes to our minds to be thankful for. We are thankful for our family. We are so glad to have Amy, Haley, Joshua, and Jonathan. They are all so much fun. They goof around a lot, they have such great imagination, they are funny and fun. We love …
Psalm 46:1
Dear Friends, This past month there were quite a few sad news we received concerning the health of our family members and friends. We lost friends to COVID, my father-in-law is in the hospital with COVID on a ventilator, my sister’s melanoma spread and had to have a second surgery this past month, a dear friend of mine lost her …
Quiet Amid the Rush
School started for the girls 2 weeks ago, and preschool started for Joshua recently. The girls really enjoy school, Amy started middle school and she loves her new teachers. Haley made some new friends in her class, and enjoys going to school. Joshua is not the happiest he has to go to preschool, but it’s mandatory here in Hungary once …
Birthday Month
Dear Friends, Summer camps are over, school starts in a few weeks. August is always busy, as Chris makes sure our students can arrive in time, and this year he also has to make sure they have all the documents they need to enter the country (due to COVID regulations). It’s also a busy month because half of our family …
Exhausted, but Well
Dear friends, This month was wonderful, but very tiring. We love summer camps, it’s definitely one of our favorite things all year. We love having campers, getting to know their stories, seeing many of them understand the Gospel for the first time, or understand what it means to be a Christian for the first time. Lives are changed, and God …
Lots of Changes
Dear Friends, Summer is here! 🙂 In a few months, the next school year will start and we will have one at home, one starting pre-school, one in elementary school, and one in middle school. But before that, we will have a fantastic camp season. 🙂 Amy and Haley finished their year well, we are very proud of them. It’s …
Lessons Learned Lately
Dear Friends, Let me start with some praises: Early May Chris got his first shot and on the same day, I got my second shot! We praise God for His provision! Over 40% of Hungary’s population got the vaccine already, and we see the number of those in hospital with COVID and on ventilators drop significantly day by day. Praise …
Learning to Wait
Dear Friends, Spring was here and then isn’t here anymore. 🙂 We had some wonderful weather during the kids spring break, so we went to many different places. It was so nice to be with the family and go for little hikes. The kids loved all the places we visited and cannot wait for us to be able to go …