Dear friends,
This month was wonderful, but very tiring. We love summer camps, it’s definitely one of our favorite things all year. We love having campers, getting to know their stories, seeing many of them understand the Gospel for the first time, or understand what it means to be a Christian for the first time. Lives are changed, and God allows us to be a part of it, how precious!
We are learning a lot about how to be joyful and well despite our tiredness. We praise God that we feel absolutely fine and are grateful for the opportunities we have to serve at the summer camp. Please pray for strength and endurance for us, we have 3 more weeks of camps.

The kids love to be part of camps, they helped us teach English, they enjoy going in when I work from there and play with the summer staff.
Jonathan was ready to be potty trained before camps started, but with our schedule (going in to teach English for a couple of hours in the morning and then in the afternoon), we just couldn’t make it work. This week we are not teaching English, and were able to stay home long enough that he is completely potty trained by now! 🙂 Our kids usually are potty trained as they turn 2, so he was over a month earlier than the rest. 🙂 It is weird not to have anyone in diapers anymore, and even weirder to realize we may never have to change any more diapers.
Joshua started talking in Hungarian, which is something he refused to do previously. He will start preschool in September, so I am glad he is not against speaking in Hungarian finally. We also noticed that he uses more complicated sentences and is maturing overall.
Haley and Amy are happy it’s summer, they enjoy there free time and they play a lot together and with the boys. They are helping me a lot as I have many responsibilities this summer and need to work on different things throughout the day.

Two of our graduate students got married, and we were fortunate enough to be able to be part of their special day. They are very dear to us, and we are grateful we were able to go celebrate with them in person. As an extra blessing, Chris and I were able to spend some time together just the two of us. We really enjoyed it and are thankful for this special time.
Please pray for us as we continue to serve at camp, and for our responsibilities throughout the school year. We are grateful for your prayers!