Dear friends, 110 days and we leave for Hungary! We are really excited that we will be able to serve with Word of Life in just a few months, see family and friends, but we are also very sad to leave the wonderful people we got to know here. Our church became our family and we will miss them dearly. …
New Year’s Resolution
Hi there, Chris, the kids, and I were looking forward to this year, as we hope and believe this year will be “a year of reunions” (as my dad would say). It’s hard to believe that in less than 6 months we will be moving back to the country we met in, we got married in, and where our first …
Trusting God
Hi there, Let me start with one of the most recent news. My dear friend, Fáni, gave birth to her second child a few days ago. Unfortunately we couldn’t be there this time either, but we rejoice with her and praise God with her for this new life and blessing. Lord willing, we will see him in 7 months (we …
We Are Getting Old
Dear friend, We had our very first Parent-Teacher Conference last month. Amy’s teacher seems to like her and based on her report card, she is doing very well at school. We weren’t sure how well Amy will behave in school (quietly sitting still is not her talent), but according to the teacher she has no issues with her. Amy’s favorite …
Fun-filled Month
Hi there, It’s hard to believe it’s fall already! While the freezing mornings are not my favorite, I love how warm it is in the afternoons still, and how beautiful the trees are. Amy’s teacher gives the class a family project every month and this time we had to decorate a pumpkin to resemble Amy’s favorite book character, Skippyjon Jones. …
Life Is Better With Friends Around
Hi there, We Are So Grateful for You We are so excited to be able to post our first family update on our website! We are so thankful for all of you. Thank you for reading our updates, thank you for being part of our lives, thank you for your love, support, and prayers. Everything is easier with so many …
Haley is 2 years old and Amy Started Kindergarten!
Hi there, Haley turned 2 years old today! We are glad to have a big two year old! She started to speak in short sentences and is a very happy, goofy baby. She loves to play with baby dolls and pretend to be a mom. 🙂 She likes to color, play with others, and loves to snuggle. 🙂 We love …
Summer Fun
Hi there, Abigél Pál Let me start with the most recent news! My dear friend, Hajnal, gave birth yesterday to her second daughter, Abigél. She was born past her due date, but the birth itself was very fast. We are thankful to God for this new blessing in their lives. And since we are on the topic of babies, my …
Hello Summer
Dear friend, Hope you are well! Chris has been suffering from extreme sleepiness for a while now. His doctor tried several things, but when none of those worked, he referred Chris to a specialist. The specialist said Chris either has narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia. He had a day time sleep study this week, where he had to take several …
Together for Six Years
Hi there, Lots of news this month! Mother’s Day gift from Amy Becky and David moved back! We are so glad they are back and that they could meet Haley for the first time. Since then, Becky watched the kids several times, and we had the chance to get together with them for a game night. We are looking forward …
Exciting Month for Our Big Girl
Hi there, We are so excited for the warm weather! Today a friend of ours pointed out how lucky we are to live by a park, and I can’t agree more! Especially since Haley is able to walk there, and I don’t even have to take a stroller. And I really like the playground, too. It’s a pretty little park …
Hello Spring
Hi there, on February 20th We are so excited to be able to spend our days outside again! It is crazy how warm the end of February was. We spent a lot of time at the playground this past month, and as we learned, Haley is very brave. 🙂 She slides down on the biggest slide by herself. I am …
Amy Turned 5!
Dear friend, As hard as it is for us to believe, Amy turned 5 and Haley will be 18 months old tomorrow. They do grow up too fast. To be fair, we’ve been warned by many parents. 🙂 One day you go home from the hospital with them, and soon enough they teach you new things. Amy knows more about …
Hello, 2016
Hi there, Chris and I are two of those boring people, who believe that while it’s great that December 31 is the last day of the year and January 1st is the first day of the new year, there is really no reason to stay up and celebrate it as if it wouldn’t come otherwise. : ) So we didn’t …
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Dear friends, Can you believe it’s December again? Our Amy will be 5 soon. She is such a smart girl. I love to watch her grow and mature. She really likes to be a princess and play tea party or be a superhero and “save the day.” Either way, she has a great amount of imagination. If the degree of …
Enjoying Fall
Hi there, Amy drew this the other day We are so happy to have such beautiful weather! While it can be windy some days, it is truly beautiful for November! We go to the park or just for a walk almost every day. I will truly miss walking once winter comes. Amy is a curious little princes. She loves to …
Haley Is Walking
Hi there, On our way to the playground (Amy running in the background) Our 13 months old darling had enough of me nagging her to walk and decided it was time to give in. 🙂 She started to walk 3 weeks ago. First she took 5-12 steps and then looked for something to hold onto, but now she can …
Someone Lost Two Teeth
Hi there, Let me start with the biggest news of last month: Amy has two less teeth. Unfortunately they didn’t come out the “natural way.” A little over two weeks ago the kids and I were walking in the mall and Amy slipped (she was wearing flipflops and the floor was slippery). Since she was only walking, I didn’t think …
Post for Women
Hi there, This is a post meant to “start a conversation.” I will share some of the practical things I learned since I became a wife, and I would love you to leave a comment with useful tips, too! So please do! In no particular order: 1. If you cut baby wipes into two, four, or even six (depending on …
Hi there, Here is a short update on us: Haley is 1 year old! And Chris just turned 27! We are all getting old. : ) Haley is a fun little baby. She loves to be goofy and make us laugh. She is growing her 8th tooth and it can hurt her sometimes. She loves to climb on things …
Our Precious Children
Hi there, Hope you are having a great week! Watching Haley grow up is a lot of fun! It’s hard to believe she will be one year old next month. Didn’t I give birth to her yesterday??? (Although this is how I feel about our 4 year old, too. 🙂 ) Haley is very friendly, loves to make people laugh …
Married for 5 Years
Hi there, [Lots of pictures at the end!] Chris and I celebrated our 5th anniversary in May. We are so thankful to be married to each other and are looking forward to many-many more blessed years together. It’s nice to look back and see the many ways God has blessed us since we got married. We are so thankful for …
Back Home
Hi there, Grandkids We arrived back home on May 11th. It is good to be home, but we are so happy we had a chance to see our family and friends for 2 whole months! And my dad’s 70th birthday party was really good, too! We are so glad we could be part of it! Amy started to miss America …
Visiting Hungary
Hi there, A few days after our previous post we were on our way to Hungary. Chris, the kids, and I started our 26 hour journey on March 17 and arrived to Hungary on March 18th. Amy and Haley did great throughout the day, as a matter of fact Amy said “this was so much fun” as we were waiting …