Married for 5 Years

Hi there,

[Lots of pictures at the end!]

Chris and I celebrated our 5th anniversary in May. We are so thankful to be married to each other and are looking forward to many-many more blessed years together. It’s nice to look back and see the many ways God has blessed us since we got married. We are so thankful for our children, our family and friends, our church, and above all, God’s faithfulness.

A close friend of ours, Tricia, was able to come visit us for a few days the beginning of June. Chris and her met in Hungary when they were 4 years old. (Tricia’s parents were missionaries to Hungary at that time, just like Chris’ parents.) Actually it was her who taught Chris Hungarian. πŸ™‚ Tricia and I met in the Bible School and became good friends in our second year. We interned together for a year and kept in touch ever since. Amy knows her as Aunt Tricia :). It was somewhat painful to realize it has been 7 years since we graduated… But then as we look back and see how many things happened in those 7 years… it makes sense. πŸ™‚
It was so good to be able to hug her and talk to her face to face. She is one of the coolest people I know. I can always be completely honest with her and know that she will do the same. It is a treasure to have friends like that. And I value her as such! πŸ™‚
We are so glad to be able to attend our church again! We really missed the people there. Amy has so many friends there and we love to see them play together. We are so blessed to have such loving church family.

So before we left for Hungary, Amy’s coloring wasn’t really the best… (see picture). But when we came home from Hungary, she started to use more than one color (something that was unimaginable before) and started to color in the lines. I am not sure what happened while we were in Hungary but the change is incredible!

And Haley FINALLY stopped refusing to eat baby food. (So far she would only eat bits of real food but wouldn’t even consider any kind of baby food. And trust me, I tried a LOT of different kinds…) So now we are able to feed her a jar or two everyday. I still have to nurse a lot, but it is much more bearable this way.
She hasn’t woken up at night for weeks now and can stand unsupported for several seconds. She loves observing others and is a content, happy baby in general. She sleeps extremely well during the day (takes 3-4 longer naps during the day). We are so glad we could convince her that sleeping is a great thing. πŸ™‚
Friends, have a blessed week!