Dear Friends,
By the end of this month, we will have the graduation ceremony and our wonderful students will be done with the BI for this year. We had a fantastic bunch of students from 15 different countries. I am so glad Chris and I got to know most of them during the year and that due to my job I was able to see them often.
May is always a very busy month at the BI, as we try to finish up everything and this year is no exception. But I am so happy the Missions Trips last month went so well and all the students came back with many memories, lessons learned, and friendships deepened. It’s wonderful to see how God is working in their lives and hearts and how they want to do all to the glory of God!

Many of our students are still unsure what’s next, please pray that God would guide their thoughts and that they would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading them one way or another. When young adults are more eager to do what God wants them to do rather than what they want to do encourages me so much. I love spending time with the students and learning more about how God is working in their hearts.
Chris will teach his last class at the BI in the middle of May, called Digital Communication. He is looking forward to it and I think it will be a very practical class for the students with different projects they can do.
Summer camps are starting the end of next month, so please pray for that as well as we are hoping many campers will come and take their next step with Jesus, whether that be their first step or deepening their faith.
We are grateful for your prayers, support, love, and care. Please don’t hesitate to write us so we know how to specifically pray for you!