The second week of camp starts today! Amy is one of the campers and so are 2 of my sister’s kids. I really hope Amy enjoys camp as much as I did 15 years ago.
The first week of camp we had 89 campers, this week we expect 130, and next week we will have 150. I’ve been doing camp registration this year and it’s so exciting to hear parents talk about how much their children like the camp and are looking forward to coming each year. There are parents who express their gratitude towards what we are doing and say that they wish they were allowed to come as campers themselves.
It warms my heart to know that the hard work of the camp team and summer staff truly makes a difference in these kids’ lives. Our shirt this year reads, “Every campers’ next step with Jesus – Word of Life Hungary Summer Camps.” Our goal is to help the children take their next step with Jesus. For some, it will be hearing about Him for the first time, for some, it will be getting to know Jesus as their personal Savior for the first time, for some, it will be dedicating their lives to Him for the first time. Wherever our campers are, we want to make sure they take their next step with Jesus.
I got saved at one of these summer camps 15 years ago, and ever since they are very dear to my heart. I am honored to be part of it and am so thankful for this opportunity.
My mom will be a unit leader this week, so I am looking forward spending time with her as well.
Chris is not involved with camps this year, he is busy working on BI (Bible Institute) stuff. He has a long list of what he wants to accomplish this summer and he is faithfully working through that list. Our hope is that he will be able to get everything done by the beginning of school year.
He also helps with the camp online registration process for next year, making it easier for us to use the database. Hopefully with his help we will save hours of work each summer.
Please pray for our campers. Pray for ready hearts, pray for the Gospel to be preached clearly each week, pray for the Bible teacher and the evening meeting leader to articulate their message in a simple way so everyone can understand them. We want our campers to have tons of fun while getting to know who God is and how they can become His children.
Thank you for partnering with us and praying for us. We are grateful for you!