But there is so much more to be done!
This Saturday, May 5th, we will have a soccer tournament for the kids from Tóalmás who have been coming to our weekly soccer ministry, and also their friends, and anyone else who wants to come!
While last year there were usually only 2-5 young people coming each week to the soccer ministry, we were able to get a better time-slot in the gymnasium this year, and on the first week we had 6, the next 12, then 24… 🙂 Most weeks we have had 20-30 kids.
But the past few weeks our numbers have dropped some, I am assuming because of the nicer weather.
We would like to have as many kids as possible attend the tournament. Please pray for a good turnout!
Also, we are trying to find the time to work on improving the Student Ministries program for next year, developing new partnerships with other organizations, and improving the systems we have in place to make the sure that the students gain experiences, training, and knowledge that will help them in their future ministries, wherever those may be. This has always been one of the goals of the Bible Institute, and I would appreciate your prayers, that I may continue to improve in serving the students by better fulfilling this goal.