October was a busy and exciting month at Word of Life Hungary. And a challenging but exciting month for the James family. As you may have read in our family update or elsewhere, Chris’ dad (Dave James) went home to be with the Lord on October 21st after coming down with Covid. We appreciate all the prayers, as well as encouraging messages we received.
Because of this situation, Chris spent most of October in the US, and we are grateful to the team at WOL Hungary who allowed Chris to be away for so long to help get things settled.
On the ministry side of things, October was VERY exciting! We had Ministry Week, where instead of classes at the Bible Institute, our staff and students took some days to serve and share the Gospel in different ways in our community and at different churches. We have also since started off our student ministry teams going out each week. The students’ enthusiasm to go and share the Gospel is contagious. And it’s especially refreshing after a year of not being able to go out into churches and schools!
We’re also so happy to have regular fellowships at our home again this year with students! Here is our “family group” for this year – such an amazing group of students!!! We are blessed to know them!

Lili is active in the Academic office, and is excited to have a lot more interaction with the students this way. The type of work she is doing is right up her alley!
Also in the month of October, Chris has taken on a new position at WOL Hungary. You may remember that Richard and Yohanna Oliveira came 1 year ago from Brazil to direct the Bible Institute. We are so thankful for their many years’ previous experience and especially for their heart to serve and disciple young people, and we are both learning so much from them. With their specific gifts, they are filling specific needs that our Bible Institute has had for years!
Chris’ new role is Administrative Director of Word of Life Hungary, and his responsibilities will include overseeing the financial, legal, and staff development/HR aspects at the organization. We are thankful for the wonderful administrative team he will be working with to serve and support the staff. Pray that we will be effective in fulfilling our mission that the youth of Hungary and the World might hear the Gospel, follow Christ, and share Him with others!