Dear Friends,
We have exciting news! A month ago we had 100 registered campers, now we have over 460! Praise God! Please pray for registration to go smoothly and for many campers to come so they can hear the Gospel for the first time and make a decision. Please also pray for our American groups to be able to come teach and coach during our summer camps.

Life is still different due to the pandemic, and I am sure it’s exhausting at times to the students and staff as well. Please pray that they may find joy in Him, and despite their circumstances will be able to learn more about Him, grow closer to Him, have meaningful fellowships with each other, and grow together.
This past year was not easy. But God never promised an easy life for us, He promised that despite our circumstances and situations, He will be with us. We are exhausted, but we find strength in Him. We lack, but He gives abundantly. Thank you so much for your prayers, they mean so much to us!