We are so thankful for your prayer support and financial support during these times. God listens to prayers! In the 5 weeks we have had students and staff arrive from 13 countries, to an otherwise closed country. Our multiple waves of internationals have gone through quarantine after they arrived, and now as we start our 5th week of classes, there is only 1 student left who is not yet physically in the classroom. Lord willing, she arrives on Wednesday!
As Covid-19 cases in Hungary are rising, we have stayed healthy. Our student ministries are not the same as before, but we are working with them to come up with creative ideas on how to share the Gospel and make disciples of others with the tools we have available, and the opportunities God has given us.
By Tuesday, each of our students will be posting their testimony, sharing the Gospel message on social media! God has given us an amazing tool, to be able to directly interact with thousands of people online. The goal of this does not merely end at broadcasting a message. The goal is to have personal interactions with people who might want to know more about the hope we have in Christ.
Please pray that this week, our students might faithfully follow-up with their friends and family and help people to understand what Christ did for us – dying for our sins and rising from the dead so that all who believe in him might have eternal life – and that many would come to know Christ as their personal Savior!