We Bought Our Tickets!

Dear Friends,

The castle on Word of Life Hungary’s property

We have some exciting news! We purchased our tickets to Hungary a few days ago! We leave July 3rd and arrive July 4th. We are going to have our first July 4th celebration in Hungary after 6 years. 🙂 We are excited to meet my newest nephew (who is already 7 months old) for the first time, to see family and friends and their children. We are also excited for the remaining 7 months we get to spend here! It will be very hard to say goodbye to friends here who became really like family. Hopefully before we leave we will get to meet my sister-in-law’s baby, who is due about a week before we leave.

10We are glad to report that we are at 10% support! That’s right, we are in double digits! 😀 We are so excited to see how God is providing for us! There are some families and friends who already expressed that they will support us, so we may have even more support coming in soon! We are so thankful for all our friend’s sacrificial support! We couldn’t serve full-time without your generous gifts. Thank you!

facebook-groupIf you haven’t already, join our facebook group. We update you there on what’s going on with us more often, and we encourage you to share with us there. I know I say this every time I write about this, but we really want it to be a “ministry family” group, where we are encouraging you as well as being encouraged by you. We want those in the group to feel as part of our ministry team. Doing ministry together is better. We will share prayer requests and praises and we invite you to do the same. We want to pray for your specific requests and ask they you carry us in your prayers, too. Prayers are effective, prayers are coveted. We need wisdom, strength, guidance from God. We see so much value in Christian fellowship, and we hope to make this group one.
countdownWe put a countdown on our site (it’s on the sidebar if you are viewing on a computer and on the bottom if you are using a tablet or a phone). Please pray with us that by the time it gets to 0 days we will be fully supported. Please consider supporting us yourself with any amount you are able to. Every bit matters!

God bless!