Let me start with one of the most recent news. My dear friend, Fáni, gave birth to her second child a few days ago. Unfortunately we couldn’t be there this time either, but we rejoice with her and praise God with her for this new life and blessing. Lord willing, we will see him in 7 months (we only have 200 days left before we leave for Hungary, exciting!).
Both him and his momma are doing well, and are already at home. We are grateful for them and cannot wait to see them as a (now) family of 4!
A few weeks ago we celebrated Thanksgiving. I really love this holiday, and wish we had something like that in Hungary. It’s so nice to be with our families and think about all the things we are thankful for. We sure have a lot of things to thank God for.
Amy had her Christmas program at school this week. We are glad she goes to school and are able to learn things. They were practicing the songs for several weeks now, and she was very excited to sing it to us. She is a very caring, loving person whom we cherish dearly.
Haley is a sweet 2 year old who likes to talk. 🙂 She loves to help with Lane, the little (actually, not so little anymore) baby boy we watch. And I think Lane started to like her, too. 🙂 I am sure it will be hard for all of us to say goodbye when we leave. While we are excited about our ministry in Hungary, saying goodbye to our friends here will be really hard…
My doctor called me with my thyroid results a couple of days ago, and she said everything is great. So I can finally stop taking my medicine after 2 years! I am so grateful for it.
Some of you know that we’ve been wanting to get pregnant for the past year without any success. It’s hard to see many of my friends get pregnant, have their babies, and not think of how I wish I were them. I asked God many times why we didn’t get pregnant yet with tears flowing down my cheeks, but Chris and I trust that God will bless us with a baby in His perfect timing, and if He won’t, we know that His will is perfect and He wants the best for us. Only God knows what we need and when we need it. May I learn to be content with what I have and know that God loves me more than I can ever comprehend!

Amy wrote a dialog on her own. Not perfect, but pretty good for a 5 year old! 🙂 (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)
Have a very Merry Christmas! Jesus came as a baby, lived without sin, died on the cross for your sins, He was buried and He raised on the third day to give you eternal life with Him. All you have to do is accept it. Please don’t hesitate to ask a Christian friend more about Jesus if you don’t know Him personally. You will not regret it! And while you enjoy the gifts you get and find joy in giving gifts, don’t forget to think about the gift Jesus is offering.
We love you all!
The James family