Last year I remember it was a very cold beginning of October (went below freezing during the nights) and all we had were space heaters our dear friends lent us. No hot water either. Then on October 10 our furnace was installed and we had hot water and heat for the first time in our house. What a difference it made! This year we had some very cold nights early this month again, but we already had heat, so it didn’t affect us too much. I think we learned to be thankful for the seemingly normal things and not take them for granted.
Amy is enjoying school, she is doing extremely well so far. She also started taking piano lessons at school once a week. In our opinion she has a wonderful talent and we are excited she can take lessons from a teacher throughout the year.
Haley says she wants every day to be Mothers’ Day at her preschool, because that is the only day moms are allowed to stay for the whole day. She likes going there, but she wishes I was there with her. I feel the same way. I wish she could stay home with me, but I know how great it is that she can go to preschool and spend time with her friends and teachers there. Haley draws a lot at preschool and she is amazing at both drawing and coloring.
Joshua cannot wait for the girls to be home, but he is good at playing by himself. Since I nurse a lot, I barely spend any one-on-one time with him unfortunately, but he occupies himself by “reading” books, building blocks and playing with different puzzles. He knows most of his colors, numbers (up to 9) and shapes. He can’t say all of them, but he points at the ones I mention in the right order.
Jonathan is super cute, growing, but still has a cold. He started to sleep a bigger chunk at night, for which I am very thankful. I honestly cannot wait for him to be big enough to play with Joshua! I also cannot wait for him not being sick…
Chris is busy at work, but he loves what he does and I know he is doing an excellent job. Joshua is totally in love with him, which is great, but also makes my days harder as he constantly wants daddy. 🙂 I keep telling Joshua, I get it, no one loves daddy more than mommy, but mommy is able to do stuff, too. 🙂
Thank you so much for your prayers! We truly appreciate them!