Dear Friends,
Camps started on June 26! Haley is a camper this week along with over 80 other campers. She loves it so much!
The kids and I go in for a few hours during free time to hang out with the campers and summer staff. It’s really hot this week (between 93-100 degrees F), so the only place it’s bearable is on campus, as the trees there make it much cooler. Benjamin sleeps through our visits in the stroller, and the boys usually play carpet ball (Joshua is actually really good at it). Amy tries to find someone to talk to or she joins the boys and plays with them. I am thankful we have this opportunity and are able to enjoy camp, even if just for a short time each day.

Next week we are expecting over 100 campers (Amy will be one of them), please pray for them as they will hear the Gospel (some for the first time). We hope many will make a decision to accept what they hear.
The Bible teacher will be one of our graduates, who happened to be Chris’ roommate at the Bible School in his second year, and I happened to be interns at the same time with his wife.
We still have some spaces for the rest of our weeks, so please pray for our camps to be full.
Please also pray for our staff. For unity, love, and patience. We want to do everything to His glory.