Someone Is About to Graduate from Kindergarten

Dear friends,

Can you believe it’s May again?

Here is a quick update on us:

DSCF1609Amy has her Kindergarten graduation this month. She cannot wait to be a first grader in Hungary. We are so excited for her! She will have a busy summer moving to Hungary, learning how to talk fluently in Hungarian, (hopefully) making new friends, and getting used to another schedule.



Haley drew from left to right: Chris, Lili, Lane, Amy, and Haley 🙂

Haley believes (more and more) that she is 6, like Amy. She talks and acts like Amy and she likes or dislikes things depending on what Amy’s reaction is. Her vocabulary is rapidly growing and she started the “But why?” phase. 🙂 I think she will really like óvoda (the Hungarian pre-school kind of thing).




Building with Lane and daddy

Chris finished his semester at Clarks Summit University and only has 2 more courses (half a semester) before he graudates. We are both very excited for him!
He got a new medicine for his narcolepsy and it is while not perfect, much better than the other one was. So we are happy! 🙂




Amy loves to draw on the white board and I love to take pictures of what she draws. 🙂

I had my gall bladder ultrasound and sure enough, I have gall stones. I met with a surgeon and he recommended they take my gall bladder out (this is the only way they can get the stones out). So I will have a surgery to have my gall bladder removed once we are in Hungary. I am so thankful they found the source of my occasional horrible pain. I’ve been having those on and off since I gave birth to Haley.

The beginning of this month we stopped watching the little guy I’ve been watching for 9 months now. Lane turned 1, and as we are focusing on support raising these coming 2 months, we decided that it would be best if I didn’t watch Lane. He’s been a big part of our lives for these past 9 months and we miss him a lot but are so happy he is a big boy now. 🙂

Lane 1 year old

Lane now (at 12 months)

Lane at 3 months

Lane at 3 months (when we started to watch him)

Have a wonderful week!