Dear Friends,
We are so excited for our new school year at the Bible Institute! Today we had our first big BI staff meeting, and in a few weeks our students are going to arrive. We are expecting over 60 students from 17 different countries!
I will be the Academic Assistant this year, and will remain the Scholarship Coordinator. As I am learning how to best serve in these positions, I appreciate your prayers! It’s a wonderful privilege, but also a great responsibility. Prayers for wisdom and understanding are highly appreciated.
As we are nearing the start of a new school year, we have many praises and prayer requests.
- over 60 students are planning on coming
- the BI staff is committed to serve the students
- God has been so faithful to us
- our BI staff has the same purpose
Prayer requests
- the students safe arrival
- wisdom for our staff how to best serve our students
- may our staff remain rooted in Christ

During our staff meeting we studied Colossians 3:1-17. Colossians 3 is so full of wonderful, powerful truths. We discussed the importance of “dwelling in Him” (v. 16), and not being too busy with ministry, that we actually forget to spend time with Him. Without Him, nothing we do will bear good fruit. But if we are rooted in Him, He will make us able to bear good fruit, not because of who we are, but because of who He is. It’s a wonderful feeling to know I don’t have to be “good enough” (whatever that means), I just have to be willing, and He will use me.
Another wonderful reminder was the importance of community. In Colossians 3, the “you” is not you singular, but you plural. We are a community of believers and because of what Christ has done for us, we, as a community should strive to live our lives based on our identity in Him. The way we talk and act should reflect the fact that we are His. As I live my life for Christ, I should never forget that I live in a community and not alone. I am grateful for the wisdom of our staff and the reminder of why we are here, who we are in Christ, and what our purpose and goal is.
It’s a wonderful privilege to serve with our staff, to serve the students, and to ultimately serve God here.
Thank you for your prayers and support that make it possible for us to serve here full-time!