Happy New Year! As we look forward this year, we reflect on last year, and set up goals we would like to achieve in 2018.
We invite you to pray for us, and to ask about how well we are doing in these areas throughout the year.
In January the team I mentioned in my previous post is leaving for Cyprus to teach over a hundred children about God. Their goal is to make sure these children get closer to God by the end of the week. You can be part of this wonderful opportunity in two ways.
1) Pray for the leaders and the children. Please pray for wisdom, strength, patience, creativity, and love for the leaders, and please pray that the children would be ready to learn more about God.
2) You can also give financially toward the plane tickets of those going. If you would like to enable the team to go, you can do so by clicking on this link: https://give.cru.org/2292471?modal=give-gift&d=2292471. Once there, choose the amount you would like to donate, and click “Send a Message to Eastern Europe Ministry” and write “WOL – team” there. If you’d rather send a check, let me know and I will send you the address you can mail it to.
Not all of us can personally go, but all of us can take part of this ministry by either praying for them or enabling them with our support. I encourage you to do both!
In February we will have our annual Missions Conference at Word of Life Hungary. This year we will raise donations for Word of Life Portugal. Chris is one of the people organizing this event. Please pray for creativity and wisdom for him as he plans and works on the details.
Around March we hope to start renovation our house. We want it to be a place of fellowship, where students and staff can come to hang out, rest, have fun, and where we can enjoy each other’s company. Please pray for wisdom as we work out the details of the renovation.
Our goal for the remainder of the school year is to get to know the students better and help them in their walk with Christ, so when they leave, they will be ready to face whatever comes their way and be a light wherever they are.
During summer, we would like to be a big part of camps, helping out wherever we can, reaching the campers with the Good News, and helping those who are already believers learn more about who God is. It’s wonderful to see year after year how God uses the summer staff to make an eternal difference.
Lets make this year count! My motto is still the same: “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” (Col 3:2)
May your 2018 be fruitful, full of God’s blessings.