Dear Friends,
We are in week 6 of our camps, next week will be our last week this year. We are very grateful for these past weeks and for the many decisions made by our campers. To God be the glory!
Chris was the main evangelist during week 4, teaching at the evening meetings Sunday through Wednesday.
This week he is one of the Bible teachers. He will teach Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Prayers are appreciated!

As we finish up camp season next week, so will many of our Bible School students all over the world. Most of them went to their home countries to serve at their churches or different camps in their countries, but some decided to help out in a camp in a foreign country.
Our Lithuanian students planned and organized an English Christian camp, called “Discovery camp” in Lithuania. They used to have it in previous years, but they didn’t for a few years. These young students took on the task, and with God’s help, they managed to have 2 weeks of Discovery camp this year. Some of our other students joined them and helped them by teaching English and assisting in other ways.
We are amazed at their faithfulness and perseverance. Many kids heard about God for the first time and many was strengthened in their faith. Not many things give us as much joy as seeing our graduates serving God with all their hearts. Praise Him for His goodness!

Following a short break after camps, the Bible School will start. Please pray for students to come, for our staff, and for all we do to bring glory to Him.
We are grateful for you and your prayers!