Howard Hendricks said, “Not the truth known, but the truth obeyed makes a difference.” I don’t bring glory to God if I read my Bible every year from cover to cover but do not change the way I live and the way I think. I believe that reading God’s Word, the Bible, is absolutely necessary to learn more about who God is, who we are in His eyes, and how He wants us to relate to Him. If I want to bring glory to God, I must learn from God Himself how I can do so. So reading His Word is essential, but applying what I learn is equally important. The knowledge itself will do me no good. I have to put what I learned into practice.
The past few months, I’ve been working on having a heavenly mindset. I strongly believe that it’s not just areas in our lives we have to change in, but the way we think. Colossians 3:2 reads, “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” I am convinced that once I am able to do so, most things in my life will change as a result. Whether it be dealing with the daily frustrations, my finances, loss of loved ones, stress at work, uncertainties, or anything else, if I have a heavenly mindset I am able to deal with them in a godly way. When I put things into perspective, when I understand who God is, who I am, and that this life is not the end, I believe it is so much easier to handle whatever comes in my way. This is, of course, easier said than done. But this is what I strive for.
I would like this blog to be about things we learn, things we struggle with, things we found useful. I will share our prayer requests and praises and I encourage you to do the same.
You can use the comment area or just simply e-mail us with your prayer requests, praises, thoughts on any passage that you happen to be studying, questions you may have on any passages or topics, or your insights. I love learning from and with others, and hope this blog will be a way I can do so.
I am very thankful for all of you! God bless!