Dear Friends,
Certainty in the Midst of Uncertainty is the title of many sermons since March 2020. COVID19 sure has changed this year, and the years to come. But it didn’t change who God is, His power, His faithfulness, and His goodness. With Him, in Him, we have peace despite our circumstances. We praise Him for this fantastic, unfathomable gift! May we powerfully show others our hope, so they too, may want to know our wonderful Savior, our source of peace!

We had a very blessed camp season!
We had 7 weeks of camps on our property with close to 800 campers from ages 7-19. Over 140 decisions were made to trust Jesus as their personal Savior, and we had close to 140 dedications.
We also had 5 weeks of satellite camps in 5 locations with over 200 campers.
All of these campers heard the Gospel clearly preached, many of them for the first time. Praise God for all the decisions!
To the best of our knowledge we had no cases of COVID the whole summer!

Right after summer camps were over, we had our Graduation Ceremony. Unfortunately many of our students couldn’t be here in person, but they were able to watch the ceremony online and we were fortunate to have a good number of students here in person. We will miss them very much, but are very excited to see where God will use them next!
As we are preparing to start our school year, we need a lot of prayers! Many of our students won’t be able to enter the country for the first weeks of school, please pray for wisdom so we make the best of this situation. We are offering these first weeks online to our students and hope they will be able to enter the country soon. The government closed our borders for the second wave of the virus, for at least the month of September and will reevaluate what’s next at the end of September. We hope to have all our students able to arrive on our property as soon as possible. Unfortunately we don’t know for sure when that may be. Fortunately God is in control and we seek wisdom and guidance from Him. While most everything concerning this school year is uncertain, God is a constant certainty we have. His goodness and faithfulness has not changed. What a wonderful privilege to have peace in midst of all the craziness going on.
Last, but not least, see an important message from our director, Alex Konya below. Thank you!