Dear Friends,
Can you believe it’s the last month of the year? As we wrap up this calendar year, we look back with so much gratefulness.
We couldn’t have imagined what this year has in store for us, but God knew exactly every moment of it, and we rest in the knowledge that God is in control today as much as He was in control when He sent His Son to be Savior of the world.
We praise Him for the peace we have in Him because of who He is, despite our circumstances. How wonderful to know He loves us and cares about us! We have nothing to fear!

The students faced some challenges this year that were unique, but we are sure they’ve grown and learned a lot. God often uses hard situations to mold us, and this year has been full of those.
Thankfully some of our students can go home and celebrate the birth of our Savior with their families. We have others, who can’t go home due to COVID. Please pray that they feel loved during this Christmas break as we try to make sure they feel as home as possible. We love them dearly and want to shower them with our love.

We hope you will also have some time off around Christmas. May we all reflect on who God is, His goodness, His faithfulness, His grace, and acknowledge His unfathomable, endless love.
Merry Christmas, dear Friends!