Joshua is 9 months old, he has (only) two teeth on the bottom, he crawls everywhere, loves to chew on all his toys (and anything else he can get), and he absolutely loves to go up the stairs. He can be very cheecky, but in general he obeys. We are teaching him basic sign language (like we did with both girls) and I cannot wait for him to use it, too.
He can laugh at the same thing for a very long time, and he likes to make others laugh as well.
A dear friend of mine mentioned that the only way her baby slept through the night was by her putting him in a different room. She didn’t have to say that twice, we tried it the same night. I am happy to report, that he went from waking up 4-5 times a night to 1-2, and he slept through the night twice already without waking up. I am excited and cannot wait to be able to sleep at night again (after 10 months, you can imagine…).
Our sweet Haley turned 4 years old last month. We decided not to send her to pre-school this year, so she is at home, helping me with Joshua. 🙂 She loves pre-school, but she wanted to be with me and spend time with me instead. I remember when we came last year, she didn’t speak Hungarian at all. I was a little worried, but by the end of the year she learned a lot of Hungarian at pre-school and now she can speak without any problems. She doesn’t even prefer English to Hungarian anymore! What a praise!
Amy started 2nd grade in September and she is doing well! Her Hungarian is not perfect, but she is fluent and has no problem communicating for sure. Her vocabulary is definitely not big enough yet, but I would imagine by the end of this school year she will be caught up. I am excited to see her enthusiasm, and am so happy we can speak in Hungarian now.
She is a very goofy girl, who loves to entertain. I don’t think we knew this side of her before, but she sure is a goofball. 🙂
She bikes a lot, enjoys to be outside, and is a very active 7 year old.
Chris and I
Chris has been very busy all summer, and especially the past months. He’s been working long days and weekends to make sure the Bible School starts well. I am happy to say we are currently in the middle of the Opening Weekend, and everything got done. Our prayer is that all 69 students would grow closer to God this year. Chris is the Dean of Men this year as well, so he will be responsible for the male students. Please pray for wisdom for him as he ministers toward these men!
He also had his birthday last month, so now we are both 30! 😀
I am still pretty tired in general, this no (or not much) sleep at night due to nursing all night was never my favorite thing. I am very hopeful that now that Joshua sleeps in another room, I will be able to sleep more. I have quite a few hours to catch up on. 🙂 Otherwise I am well, excited for the new school year.
A house note: We are getting closer and closer to how we want our house to look. Unfortunately we still don’t have hot water, so please pray that in God’s perfect timing we would have heat for the house and hot water.
We are grateful to you! God bless!