We had our very first Parent-Teacher Conference last month. Amy’s teacher seems to like her and based on her report card, she is doing very well at school. We weren’t sure how well Amy will behave in school (quietly sitting still is not her talent), but according to the teacher she has no issues with her. Amy’s favorite part of school is recess. Has been from the first day, and still is. 🙂 She is getting better and better at reading and writing (although neither of those are her favorite) and is very good at math (which she loves).
We debated for many months whether to homeschool her, do K-12, or send her to public school, but we are very glad we chose the latter. She likes the bus ride, she likes her classmates and teacher, she likes doing crafts at school, learning new things, and playing with her friends. We are proud of her and how well she is doing.
Haley is such a cutie pie! She knows most colors by now (black, brown, pink, white, peach, purple, orange, and gets yellow, red, green, and blue right sometimes, too). She can count to 10, and can name most of the letters, although she only recognizes a few. She sings the ABC song her own way, meaning not in order, and there are letters that appear more than once, but she is so proud of herself (and so are we). 🙂
Since we visited our old church a couple of weeks ago, she started to be very shy again when she is around people (even when family and friends come over or we go to our church). Hopefully she will get back to “normal” soon. Otherwise she is a very mischievous little munchkin at home. She loves to color, build, play with others, pretend to be a mom, and just be active. We love her joyful spirit and love to watch her grow and mature.
Chris has been seeing the sleep specialist once a month for several months now, because the medicine he gets isn’t quite working the way it should. They tried different medicines at different doses, but so far they haven’t found the right one. He just had an appointment last week, and they upped his dose. We will see how well that works, his next appointment is in a month. Please pray that they find just the right medicine and dosage and that we will be able to get a similar medicine in Hungary next year. Otherwise he is well, busy with raising support, school and work.
Raising support is a trust exercise. We trust that God will provide whatever we need in His perfect time. We do all we can, but we also understand that God is the One who is moving people to support us, and He is the One who will meet our needs. If we tried to raise support on our own, it wouldn’t work. God is the One in control in this situation as well as in all situations. We are excited to see how He will use others to bless us this way. We are thankful for all those who already started supporting us or are committed to support us in the future. To God alone be the glory!
I had a doctor’s appointment a few days ago, too. We will try to stop my thyroid medicine and see if my levels will stay good. I started taking the lowest dose 2 years ago, after Haley was born. Ever since my levels are fine, and I am not sure I need it anymore. I have to be off for a month before they will check my blood, and if the levels stay where they are now, I will be able to stop taking my medicine.
I will also have an endoscopy to see what may be causing my severe heartburn every month. Not looking forward to that, to be honest, but I also can’t handle the severe heartburn anymore.
No one told me when I was younger, that life (physically) will start to get hard around 25. I always assumed when I hit 50, I may experience some discomfort occasionally. Boy was I wrong! I remember both Chris and I started to feel “old” around 25. Chris takes several medicines daily without which he can’t function. He has high cholesterol and has to watch what he is eating. No one told us we will have to look at the ingredients on the food we buy in our late twenties!!! 🙂 I have so many physical issues the doctor doesn’t know what to test for anymore. 🙂 So if you are reading this and you are not yet in your late twenties, make sure you enjoy those years. Don’t just sit around, you will have plenty of opportunities to do just that later on. 🙂
Have a blessed week, dear friend!