We are so thankful to be here. While I would have never imagined 7 years ago, that this is where we would end up (or 3 years ago, for that matter), we cannot be more thankful. It is wonderful to be back at Word of Life Hungary. Life has been busy, crazy, and hectic at times, but all we need to do is look around and see the people we minister toward and praise God that He chose to involve us in this ministry. What a privilege we have.
This past month Chris went weekly with two of the ministries we have. He is translating for the sport ministry on Friday afternoons and he is taking the BI students who teach English at an elementary school nearby on Mondays. He also had the chance to substitute a couple of times and taught English himself. Both of these ministries are an amazing opportunity to reach children with the Gospel who otherwise wouldn’t go to a Christian event.
A huge praise is the amount of children showing up at the soccer ministry we have in our town. Last year they only had a few people join them each week, and this year they had over 20 kids last Friday! The students at the BI prayed for more kids, and God gave them more. 🙂 Each week someone from our team shares their testimony and talks about God to them, and of course they play lots of soccer.
Please pray that more and more kids would learn about God through this ministry –and all the other ministries we have here–, understand the Gospel, and accept Christ as their Savior.
I have the privilege of mentoring a dear Bible School student. She is a dedicated Christian, who loves the Lord, and wants to do everything to His glory. Deimena is from Lithuania and she is part of the Sing Team. Please pray that I could be a blessing to her and that God would use me in her life to mold her to His Son’s image. I am so excited to get to know her better and to grow alongside her. This is why we are here. It’s not the place, it’s not the country, it’s the people. We want to bring glory to God with all we do here, and our prayer is to make an eternal difference. Otherwise our ministry is pointless.
A team from Word of Life Hungary is going in January to Cyprus to help with the children’s program at a CRU (formerly knows as Campus Crusade for Christ) conference. I am so thankful to be able to help organize the event, even though I won’t be able to participate (due to baby Joshua’s anticipated birth).
These students and staff will go for a little over a week and minister toward over 200 children. They have been working hard for months to make sure we do all we can to make it a fun and blessed time for the children.
Their room and board is provided at the conference by CRU (for which we are very grateful), so they only have to raise enough support for their plane tickets. Their goal is “to help EVERY CHILD to take the NEXT STEP in their lives WITH JESUS.” If you would like to help this team reach its goal by giving a one time gift toward their plane tickets, you can do so by clicking on this link: https://give.cru.org/2292471?modal=give-gift&d=2292471. Once there, choose the amount you would like to donate, and click “Send a Message to Eastern Europe Ministry” and write “WOL – team” there. If you rather send a check, let me know and I will send you the address you can mail it to. I encourage you to consider being part of this ministry by your financial support!
Friends, we are so thankful to be here. I started by saying this and I want to end by saying this. Thank you for making it possible for us to make an eternal difference here through your prayers and financial support.