A few days after my last post Réka and Owen (Word of Life BI graduates) came to visit us. We haven’t seen them for so many years, and were very glad to have the chance to see them again. Since Timi and Randall (also WOL BI graduates) were in Indy that time, and they decided to come, too. Karen and Becky came as well, so we had a little WOL Hungary reunion.
Timi and Randall have 2 children, Gracie (2 years old) and David (7 months old). Amy and Gracie had a good time playing together, last time they did that was back in Hungary right before we left for the States. Timi and Randall invited us over to their place and Amy was the exact same age David is now. Time flies by so fast! I honestly can’t believe it has been a year since we left Hungary.
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Playing with Gracie |
Although they couldn’t stay for long, it was awesome to be able to talk to them again. We love all of them very much. I was reminded once more how I would love to live in a huge house with other families. I love having people over and am just so thankful for the opportunity we had.
We started to go to Cornerstone Bible Church here in Terre Haute (http://www.cbcth.org/). It is a very small church with a lot of kids (about 35-40 adults attend church each Sunday). We love it there! They have a new pastor, and we really like him and his wife. Their first child was born a week ago. Cornerstone Bible Church supports the Weavers, Dave preached there before, the church’s previous pastor taught at Word of Life Hungary, and I could go on with the list of connections we have to that church.
Although it was a very tough decision to leave our church in Paris, IL, we believe that it was the right choice. Paris is too far away to meet with the members of the church on a daily basis. So even though we love our church in Paris, we wanted to be more involved with our church. That’s why we decided to find a church in our town.
An interesting fact about Cornerstone is that their worship band has drum, electric guitar, bass guitar, and 3 brass instruments. It is quite an experience to listen to them. They are very good! Also, most (if not all) of the younger kids are girls.
They have a lot of girls under the age of 6. Amy loves to play with them, she fit in right away. We cannot wait to get to know the church members better. They are all so friendly and caring.
I had the opportunity to meet Dave’s parents for the first time. Dave’s sister came to visit us as well. We had a great time together! Although I communicated with them through the phone and via e-mail before, I was very happy that I could finally meet them in person. We love them so much! : )
I have been cooking everyday since we moved into our new home. I cook at least once a day. I couldn’t believe how much cheaper it is if I cook. I was convinced that it is much more expansive, but I was totally wrong. I love cooking, and since Chris is home by 12:10pm everyday, he eats with us, too.
Finally the weather got cooler, so we were able to go out with Amy everyday. There is a playground very close to our house, and Amy loves the slide and the swing there. Chris had his vacation this week, so we spent all day together everyday this week. It was so much fun! He took us to “National Night Out,” and we really enjoyed it. He took me to Long John Silver’s the other day (I have never been to one before). We had a great week!
Amy had her first dental check-up (she didn’t really enjoy it) but the dentist said that she is doing good, and has all the teeth she should. We also had a doctor’s appointment the other day and she is 34 inches (according to them, I think she is only 32 inches) and 22.9 lbs. She is developing well, and does everything she should at this age. She started to learn new words everyday, so she knows more than 40 words now. I love to see how fast she is learning. It is amazing! Her favorite body part is her bellybutton, but she also knows where her legs are, arms are, belly is, head is, eyes are, ears are, mouth is, and nose is. I am not sure anymore if she knows more English words or Hungarian, and if she understands English better or Hungarian.
Another big news is that Dave’s new book is available now! If you would like to check it out (or read about it) click here. Click here if you are interested in buying the book, or here if you would like to buy the kindle version. Berean Call published it, and I can promise you, you will not regret having it. Chris and I had the privilege to follow the process of the book being written and then being published, and I must say, God put everything in place so that this book could be published in record time. I am sure He will use this book in the lives of many.
We are really thankful for you and for your friendship. We cannot emphasize enough that we would love to hear from you! We are always so encouraged by those who update us on their lives.
God bless you all!