In the middle of August I was admitted to the hospital with high blood pressure. I spent a week in and out of the hospital after which Jonathan was born. He was about 3 weeks early (we still don’t know what the due date should have been), and he was tiny. Since both him and I were healthy and had no problems, they let us go home after two days. As soon as we were home Chris looked at the kids and said, “This is more like it!” 🙂
We love having Jonathan, and everyone seems to be happier now that we are a family of 6. The girls love to have a baby brother, and Joshua absolutely adores Jonathan. He wants to hold him and kiss him all the time. He tells me when he is sleeping or crying, he wakes up and asks for the baby, he goes to sleep and mentions the baby… He is a fantastic big brother! Jonathan is only 3 weeks old, but Joshua not once was jealous so far.
School started in September, Haley is in Kindergarten and Amy is in 3rd grade. I can’t believe how fast time flies. I am a little afraid I blink twice and all of our children will be in school.
Right now Joshua and Jonathan are with me in the mornings and the girls come home around 1. I am very tired, but not exhausted, and absolutely love the new “normal.” Daytime is usually pretty good, but Jonathan is not a big fan of sleeping at night which does affect my mood. I know it very well may get worse before it gets better, but right now I am just in love. 🙂
The Bible School started this past weekend, and I am sure Chris will write more about it in our next ministry blog. We are so excited to see the students and I am so glad I got to talk to some of the parents and students already. Chris and the BI staff were very busy making sure everything goes smoothly, and I think they did a fantastic job.