Last Sunday we had the opportunity to share at our “old church” in Paris, IL. We were so glad to see old friends and for them letting us talk about our plans. Chris did a presentation during Sunday School, and we enjoyed their service after as well as some good fellowship (food included, of course), with Pastor Dave and his wife, Beth, and another missionary family. Amy said she loved Sunday School and Children’s Church and she wants to go back. 🙂 Hopefully we will have the opportunity to do so at least a few times before we leave for Hungary.
As of right now, Chris and I decided that we will go to Hungary next summer (most likely around early July) and if our support is not where it should be, raise support from Hungary as well as work alongside ministering at Word of Life Hungary. We would love it if we had enough support so we don’t have to look for online work while we are in Hungary, but we are confident that we can be useful and effective tools in God’s hand at Word of Life Hungary and therefore we know He will provide what we need.
We are going to share about our ministry plans and host a Happy Hungarian Fun-Time Hour after church. What is a Happy Hungarian Fun-Time Hour you ask? 🙂 It is a way for us to meet people we otherwise wouldn’t be able to. We ask our friends to host an hour at their homes for us where they invite some of their friends, telling them that some missionary friends of theirs are raising support and would like to share their ministry plans with them. During this hour we talk about Hungary (using this board game seen on the left that Chris designed), we talk about what our mission plans are, how they can help and partner with us, and ask them to consider supporting us.
What are some ways you can help us in this journey of ours?
- Pray for us.
- pray that God would work in people’s hearts so they may decide to partner with us. We need 95% of our support still.
- pray that God would give us wisdom in how to approach people
- pray that our support-raising journey would bring glory to God
- Join our facebook group and be updated on what’s going on with us. We want this group to be a “ministry family” where we are encouraged and blessed by each other.
- Introduce us to your friends who might be interested in partnering with us.
- Host a Happy Hungarian Fun-Time Hour for us (if you live near Terre Haute).
- Consider how much you would be able to support us with. We truly appreciate one time gifts as well as monthly support.
Please take a moment and consider if you are able to support us with any amount per month (every $10 counts!), or if you are able to bless us with a one time gift. We want to bring glory to God with our ministry, with our lives, and we believe that by allowing us to focus on ministry full-time, you are investing in things that are eternal. To God be the praise and glory!
Have a blessed week!