We are in the middle of the 6th week at camp. So far we had 742 campers and we are expecting over 200 more campers the next two weeks. What this means is that 742 campers heard the Gospel clearly preached to them and were encouraged to make a decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior as well as to grow in their faith.
Every summer we have the opportunity to influence around a 1000 campers (and many summer staff) to take their next step(s) with Christ. What an honor!
Can you imagine the affect these children have on their families? We are
talking about around 1000 families!
This week other than doing registration, I am also a unit leader, which means I have the privilege of mentoring the room leaders of two dorms. I absolutely loved getting to know these 4 ladies this week and am looking forward to more time with them this week (and the coming weeks).
One of them shared with me that the closest Bible believing church to her tiny home town is two and a half hours away. She doesn’t have a driver’s license, so she needs to take the train and then the bus. The travel time (one way) is two and a half hours and she either arrives at church an hour before it starts, or is 15 minutes late.
Can you imagine you had to travel 2 and a half hours just to get to church? Here in Hungary this is (unfortunately) not unheard of, especially if you are from a smaller village.
Another of these room leaders shared with me that she got saved at our camp many years ago and when she went home, her love for God was so obvious to her mother that she also got saved! What a wonderful testimony!
God uses these wonderful ladies in the life of their campers and it’s a joy to see these campers understand the Gospel for the first time, make a decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior, and dedicate their lives to Him! This is why we are here!
Please pray with us for the campers
a) for those who were already here (to think about what they have heard, to take their decisions to follow Christ seriously, and to be lights in their families and schools and amongst their friends)
b) for those who are coming this next two weeks (to have “ready hearts,” to make good decisions, and for them to take their next step with Christ)
Thank you!