We are nearing the end of this pregnancy (or so I hope) :). As we prepare to be a family of 6, I remember each pregnancy and how wonderful it was to see our family grow with each child. Please pray for a smooth delivery, so far I am not a big fan of giving birth. 😀
The kids are well, missing their friends from school but also enjoying summer. 🙂 I wouldn’t mind if summer lasted a little longer, but I am sure they are ready to be back and spend time with their classmates.
Chris is working hard on Bible School stuff, he is very excited about this coming school year. While I am a little sad, knowing I won’t be able to be involved as much as I would like to this year (due to -not yet named- baby#4), I am hopeful I will be able to get to know the students at least a little bit.
We were able to host quite a few people these past weeks, which is really our favorite thing. We love to build friendships and be able to spend time with old friends. I remember a year and a half ago I spent most of my time making sure the renovation of our house goes smoothly (with a few months old baby), and many times I felt it’s too much. But now, that we can have people over, I praise God for His provision and know it was all worth it. What a blessing to own a house and to be able to have people over. We are surely blessed beyond words!
The next family post, Lord willing, will include a picture of the baby, who -Lord willing- will have a name by then. 😀
God bless!