We are so excited to be here! Thank you so much for making it possible for us to serve our God here by your faithful prayers and your sacrificial financial support. Our goal is to please Him with how we use our time and money. Both belong to Him ultimately and we never want to forget that!
We have the privilege of serving 78 students at the Bible Institute this year. Most of them are 18-20 years old, and while we feel like we are too, the truth is I will be 30 in 3 months… 🙂 They are all here for one reason, they want to learn more about God through His Word so they can have a deeper relationship with Him. The goal of the Bible Institute is not to merely teach them what the Bible says, but to see these students become stronger Christians, molded more and more to the likeness of God. We want them to understand who they are in God’s eyes, who God is, and how they can truly trust Him in every situation. It’s their relationship with God we care about, not merely their knowledge of Him. What an amazing opportunity we have to learn from them and with them, grow together, and be encouraged by each other. We are so excited to see what God is and will be doing through them this year.
The beginning of each school year the whole staff and students go out to the streets of Budapest and tell people the Gospel. We show them from the Bible that they are sinners (they’ve done bad things), we show them from the Bible that they need a Savior, and we show them from the Bible that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the only one who can save them from the punishment of their sins, which is eternal separation from God. All they have to do is believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection, and trust that He can save them from their sins, resulting in eternal life with Him.
It’s never easy to stop a stranger, but we see the fruits of Open Air Evangelism and know that God can use it to His glory. Each year we have a number of people who accept Christ as their Savior due to this ministry. God is using us and we are thrilled to be a part of this. I don’t think there is a more special feeling than when God uses you to save someone. It’s a wonderful feeling to be used by the Almighty God. It never gets old. 🙂
Chris has been very busy making sure the school year starts well, and things go smoothly. We have a wonderful BI team, and there’s always a lot to be done. Chris is very eager to get to know the students more and to be able to serve them. I am so proud of all that he is doing and to see how happy it makes him when he can help others and minister to others. I am convinced he will be a great Dean of Men and am looking forward to see how God is using him in this position.
We are so grateful for you! Thank you for your prayers, thank you for your support, thank you for being our friend. It means so much to us!