(For the $10-$20 challenge, scroll down.)
We had the privilege of going to two churches in April. It’s hard to explain how neat it is to meet sisters and brothers in Christ who care deeply about missions.
On April 9 we visited Martinsville Bible Church in Illinois. Everyone was so friendly and kind. We really enjoyed getting to know some of them a little better after the service. Amy and Haley went to their own classes during the morning service (Amy with her age group and Haley to nursery). Both of them loved it. 🙂
After the service the Associate Pastor invited us to their house for lunch. We had a blessed fellowship with amazing food. 🙂 They used to be missionaries overseas as well.
The church blessed us in more ways we can count. We are thankful for the opportunity we had to share there and to fellowship with our sisters and brothers in Christ. We hope to see some of them in Hungary! 🙂
Yesterday we had the privilege of going to a church in Indiana. Bethel Memorial Church has a big heart for missions. A very big heart. 🙂 It was humbling to see their eagerness to see the Gospel being preached everywhere in the world. After the Evening Service (when we shared), we had some very good conversations and were greatly encouraged by their prayers and willingness to commit to pray for us. We are praising God for these men and women who want to see the lost saved and the saved discipled. They were great examples to us and we are so thankful we could meet them.
And now more about the $10-$20 challenge.
(aka How can $10 a month make an eternal difference?)
It is very easy.
It’s that easy. 🙂
Just imagine the eternal difference you can make by allowing us to serve full-time. God will be able to use us in all those people’s lives He puts in our lives (all the students at Word of Life Hungary, and the hundreds of campers each summer) because you made it possibly for us to minister to them full-time. Many of those students will go home to their own countries and make a difference for Christ wherever they are from.
Will you be part of God’s work in Hungary? We sure hope so!